Monday, April 4, 2011

A Cartoon Creator's Guide to Character Development

By Eric Hunt

Once a character has been born, it needs to grow, develop, and evolve into a complex emotional being.  Character development can happen in a variety of ways.  One of the most effective is to answer questions from the perspective of the character.  Below are 60 questions you can use to explore, develop, and further define your character. 
Essential Questions
  1. How would you describe your appearance (physical traits and attire)? 
  2. What is your posture like?
  3. What special abilities, talents, or powers do you possess?
  4. How old are you and how do you feel about your age?
  5. What is you basic temperament?
  6. Where do you live (city, state, country, planet, galaxy, plane of existence)?
  7. How do you live (describe your living conditions; your home or lack there of)? 
  8. How do you feel about the other people in the story?
  9. What do you aspire to be?
  10. How would the story turn out if you had it your way?
Additional Questions
  1. What do other people call you?
  2. What is your height and weight?
  3. Do you have any physical abnormalities?
  4. Where were you born?
  5. How would you describe your childhood? 
  6. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  7. What is your worst childhood memory?
  8. Are your parents living and still together? 
  9. Do you have any siblings and are they older or younger? 
  10. What is or was your relationship with your family like?
  11. How would you describe your social class?
  12. What is you occupation and income level?
  13. What level of education did you complete?
  14. How intelligent are you? 
  15. What were or are your best subjects in school?
  16. Are you in a romantic relationship? 
  17. Do you have any children in your life?
  18. Are you religious or spiritual?
  19. What is your race or nationality (or species)?
  20. What is your place in your community?
  21. What are you political affiliations?
  22. What do you do for fun?
  23. What are your favorite foods?
  24. What frustrates and disappoints you?
  25. What is your general attitude toward life?
  26. Are you an extrovert or and introvert (describe)?
  27. What are your best and worst qualities?
  28. Did you ever smoke or drink alcohol?
  29. Do you read the newspaper? Which section is your favorite?
  30. What is your favorite type of music? 
  31. Can you play a musical instrument?
  32. How do you dance?
  33. What do you consider your best physical feature?
  34. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  35. Do you exercise? What do you do for exercise? 
  36. What is your favorite sport? 
  37. Are you a morning or a night person?
  38. What is your favorite type of weather?
  39. Do you like intimate get-togethers or large gatherings (why)?
  40. What is your favorite color (why)?
  41. What is your greatest fear?
  42. Who is your closest friend?
  43. What is your dream vacation?
  44. What TV shows do you like (or might you like)?
  45. What is your favorite animal (why)?
  46. What are your prejudices?
  47. Do you stay indoors or like the outdoors?
  48. How do you feel about war?
  49. Are you happy with your life?
  50. How do you look at the future?
Good luck!  Maybe you'll create the next prime time network series!

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